1. Source: Income Statistics Division, Statistics Canada
2. Low income measures (LIMs), are relative measures of low income, set at 50% of adjusted median household income. These measures are categorized according to the number of persons present in the household, reflecting the economies of scale inherent in household size.
3. Estimates are based on data from the following surveys: the Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) from 1976 to 1992, a combination of the SCF and the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID) from 1993 to 1997, the SLID from 1998 to 2011 and the Canadian Income Survey (CIS) beginning in 2012. For more information, see Statistics Canada, 2015, "Revisions to 2006 to 2011 income data", Income Research Paper Series, Cat. no. 75F0002MIE - No. 003. Also, two previous revisions of income data are described in Cotton, Cathy, 2000, "Bridging Two Surveys: An Integrated Series of Income Data from SCF and SLID 1989-1997", Statistics Canada, Cat. No. 75F0002MIE - No. 002, and Lathe, Heather, 2005, "Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics: 2003 Historical Revision", Statistics Canada, Cat. No. 75F0002MIE - No. 009.
4. To convert to other household sizes, multiply the value for a "1 person household" by the square root of the desired household size.