Plain language definition
Refers to the classification of economic families as couple families, lone-parent families or other economic families.
Detailed definition
Refers to the classification of economic families as couple families, lone-parent families or other economic families.#Couple families - Those in which a member of either a married or common-law couple is the economic family reference person.#Lone-parent families - Those in which either a male or female lone parent is the economic family reference person.#Other economic families - Those in which the economic family reference person has other relatives but does not have a married spouse or common-law partner or a child in their census family.
Values (English)
Total - Economic family structure
Couple family
Couple only
Couple with children
Couple with other relatives only
Lone-parent family
Female-parent family
Female-parent family with no other relatives
Male-parent family
Male-parent family with no other relatives
Other economic family