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Note that the dissemination area (DA) level table for this target group profile contains only a subset of the full TGP covering the total Indigenous identity population.

Target group profiles (TGP) provide Census Profile variables for a subset, or target group, of the population. This TGP is for the Indigenous identity population and contains the following categories:

Total - Indigenous identity
  Indigenous identity
    Single Indigenous responses
      First Nations (North American Indian)
      Inuk (Inuit)
    Multiple Indigenous responses
    Indigenous responses not included elsewhere
  Non-Indigenous identity

‘Indigenous identity’ refers to whether the person identified with the Indigenous peoples of Canada. This includes those who identify as First Nations (North American Indian), Métis and/or Inuk (Inuit), and/or those who report being Registered or Treaty Indians (that is, registered under the Indian Act of Canada), and/or those who have membership in a First Nation or Indian band. Aboriginal peoples of Canada (referred to here as Indigenous peoples) are defined in the Constitution Act, 1982, Section 35 (2) as including the Indian, Inuit and Métis peoples of Canada.


Users should be aware that the estimates associated with Indigenous identity population are more affected than most by the incomplete enumeration of certain Indian reserves and Indian settlements in the 2021 Census of Population. For more information on Indigenous variables, including information on their classifications, the questions from which they are derived, data quality and their comparability with other sources of data, refer to the Indigenous Peoples Reference Guide, Census of Population, 2021.

Target group profiles (TGPs) provide data for a specific group of persons (a "target group"). All variables in the Target Group Profile are ‘person-level’ variables: their age, their gender, their family status (e.g., are they in a census family), the languages they speak, and so on.  Because TGPs deal with the universe of persons, they do not contain any family- or household-specific variables. For example, the average family size, household income or renter/owner status are variables that do not relate to a person, but to a family or household, and so they are not included in TGPs.

25% vs 100% samples – Comparing values with publicly accessible data
The 2021 short form Census questionnaire was sent out to 100% of all households. The 2021 long form Census questionnaire was sent out to 25% of all households. Target Group Profiles are produced using the 25% sample. Variables that are available in both the 25% sample and the 100% sample will have different values depending on the source of the data.  For example, the total population of a city taken from the 25% sample (a Target Group Profile) will differ from that taken from the 100% sample (the online Census Profile).

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Target group profile of the Indigenous identity population, Census, 2021