The Open Database of Healthcare Facilities (ODHF) is a comprehensive, open data collection containing information on approximately 7,000 healthcare facilities across Canada. It includes the names, addresses, geo-coordinates, and types of facilities, compiled from regional health authorities, various government levels, and healthcare organizations. Released under the Open Government License - Canada, the ODHF aims to provide harmonized and enhanced access to this data.
The database is in CSV (comma-separated values) format.
The inputs for the ODHF are datasets whose sources include regional health authorities, provincial, territorial and municipal governments, and public healthcare and professional healthcare bodies. The ODHF harmonizes facility type by assigning one of three types to each healthcare facility: ambulatory health care services, hospitals, and nursing and residential care facilities.
The variables included in the ODHF are as follows:
Facility Name
Source Facility Type
ODHF Facility Type
Street Number
Street Name
Postal Code
Province or Territory
Source-Format Street Address
Census Subdivision Name
Census Subdivision Unique Identifier
Province or Territory Unique Identifier