StatCan Notes
2012-2017 Data Contract Issues
Update from meeting with Statistics Canada, Toronto Office
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
STC: Amanda Colina and Peter Pathinater
CCSD Consortium Program: Michel Frojmovic and Harvey Low
1. Schedule of Meetings, Milestones and Participants
o Key Milestones:
Sept 30, 2011: Draft contract for non-Census/NHS products
March 31, 2012: Final contract for non-Census/NHS products; preliminary contract for Census/NHS
o Meet over the summer whenever Peter/Amanda are in Ottawa or when Michel/Peggy are in Toronto
o Accelerate pace and intensity of meetings in the Fall
2. Community Data Product list
o Establish the universe of STC Community Data Products: products which allow for reporting at CSD level or smaller for a critical mass of Consortia
o Currently, we have a list of 26 data products. This will be shortened by testing these products against a sample of CSDs drawn from Census Divisions with populations of 50,000+
3. Target Consortium Membership
o Target is a total of 50 consortia
o Based on tiered pricing system, 50 consortia would cut per-consortium costs roughly in half based on the last order; 100 would result in ¼ the per consortium cost.
4. Consortium Boundaries
o Boundaries are to be based on building blocks of Census Divisions. In principle, One Census Division = One Consortium. Exceptions may be made based on programming costs.
o We will not support Consortia seeking customised Consortium boundaries.
o Consortia consisting of multiple CDs will be considered, though these may be defined as a Consortium of multiple consortia.
o Consortium fees/data costs for Consortia with multiple CDs will be based on a mix of increased costs due to additional programming offset by per-consortium cost savings due to increased # of total consortia.
5. Rolling over terms of the last agreement
o Confirmation from STC is required with respect to several of the key provisions of the agreement:
Data sharing among all consortia members
Pricing structure based on # of consortia, not # of members
Tiered pricing system (more consortia reduces per consortium costs)
Waiver of licensing fees for selected products, including Census
Fees charged to individual consortia are determined by the CCSD Consortium Program.
o At present, STC is not in a position to confirm these terms, though the sense is that the status quo should prevail.
6. Pricing
o Preliminary Pricing of non-Census/NHS data products is needed by September 30.
o Census/NHS pricing will not be possible in September, and may be possibly by March 31, 2012
7. Census/NHS validation
o Importance of open lines of communication between STC, CCSD and Consortium leads regarding testing and validation
o Explore opportunities/appropriateness of involving Consortium members in the testing/validation process
8. Custom sub-CSD geographies and custom cross-tabulations
o Agreement on these two areas delayed the production cycle last round
o New STC geography files will be published in late-2011/early-2012
9. Ordering new custom cross-tabulations during the 5 year agreement
o Possibility of including in the Data Contract provision for annual or bi-annual orders of new tables by consortia
o We would include a fee within the contract that could be “drawn down” when new orders are submitted
o Would require all leads agreeing to a common set of new tables
o All new tables would be available to all consortia