Values (English)
Total - Total income in 2015
Without total income
With total income
Under $10,000 (including loss)
$10,000 to $19,999
$20,000 to $29,999
$30,000 to $39,999
$40,000 to $49,999
$50,000 and over
Total - Population 15 years and older not in Economics families
Total income for pop 15+ not in EF or total income is less than 50% of the LICOs BT
50% to 74%
75% to 99%
100% to 124%
125% to 149%
150% to 174%
175% to 199%
200% or more
Total income for pop 15+ not in EF or total income is less than 50% of the LICOs AT
50% to 74%
75% to 99%
100% to 124%
125% to 149%
150% to 174%
175% to 199%
200 % or more
Total income for pop 15+ not in EF or total income is less than 50% of the LIM-AT
50% to 74%
75% to 99%
100% to 124%
125% to 149%
150% to 174%
175% to 199%
200 % or more
Total income for pop 15+ not in EF or total income is less than 50% of the MBM
50% to 74%
75% to 99%
100% to 124%
125% to 149%
150% to 174%
175% to 199%
200 % or more
Total - Population 15 years and over not in Economic Families, by total income quintiles
Lowest (Canada: Under $16,270)
Second (Canada: $16,270 to $25,112)
Third (Canada: $25,113 to $40,111)
Fourth (Canada: $40,112 to $62,079)
Highest (Canada: $62,080 and over)