Agenda Items:
- User Needs Survey Results
- Purchase Package
- Alternative data sources
- Licensing
- What do to about Census?
1. User Needs Survey
- A quick review was done of the survey results as recompiled by Ken (ken_results-survey66345 (1)-FinalOutput_21122010.xls).
- A ppt format report will be given at the leads meeting in Toronto
- Questions are: Where are the gaps, what do people want and what are the geographies
Work divided as follows
- All have taken questions and will do the analysis per questions and will present results in slides.
- Slides will be in blank formats and will include text, notes, graphs etc. and each will include the question as title in the slide.
- File naming convention will be: R_2-8_Ken etc.
- Prelim results will be shared and discussed Feb. Thursday feb. 3 @ 13:30 EST on the phone
- R_2-8_Ken
- R_9-19_Ken
- R_20-26_Ian
- R_27-32_Louisa
- R_33-42_Tracey
- R_43-93_Ian
- R_94-120_Louisa
- R_121-126_Tracey
- R_127-169_Louisa
- R_170-181_Isabelle
- R_182-188_Isabelle
- R_189-201_Tracey
- Tracey will ensure the slides make their way to the WG web page and will show all how to do so themselves in the future.
2. Purchase Package
- To be discussed after the survey results have been analysed and discussed
3. Alternative data sources
- The Community Data page on the new website has a list of data organized in a catalog
- It is hoped this will become the go to place to find local scale data whether for fee or free
- ACTION: Once available, all will look at it, comment and suggest the addition of new data
4. Licencing
- To be discussed later with the potential of striking a small add hoc group that will work only on this either as part of this WG or seperate
5. What do to about Census?
- Isabelle circulated a document
National Household Survey : data quality
Studies, research papers, technical papers - The capacity, network and knowledge of the Community Data Consortium is comprised of the Nations experts on small area data in Canada which keeps the relevance of the Consortium to exist. We hope that Community Data Canada will help provide the means to access new data.