Plain language definition
Number of hours that the person spent doing housework, maintaining the house or doing yard work without getting paid for doing so. For example, this includes time spent preparing meals, mowing the lawn, or cleaning the house, for oneself or for relatives, friends or neighbours. The time spent on this activity is divided into blocks of hours (None, Less than 5 hours, 5 to 14 hours, 15 to 29 hours, 30 to 59 hours, and 60 hours or more). Only hours spent on the activity during the week before Census Day (May 7 to 13, 2006) are counted.
Detailed definition
Refers to the number of hours persons spent doing unpaid housework, yard work or home maintenance in the week (Sunday to Saturday) prior to Census Day (May 16, 2006). It includes hours spent doing unpaid housework for members of one's own household, for other family members outside the household, and for friends or neighbours.
Unpaid housework does not include volunteer work for a non-profit organization, a religious organization, a charity or community group, or work without pay in the operation of a family farm, business or professional practice.
Unpaid housework does not include volunteer work for a non-profit organization, a religious organization, a charity or community group, or work without pay in the operation of a family farm, business or professional practice.
Values (English)
Total - Hours spent doing unpaid housework
No hours of unpaid housework
Less than 5 hours of unpaid housework
5 to 14 hours of unpaid housework
15 to 29 hours of unpaid housework
30 to 59 hours of unpaid housework
60 hours or more of unpaid housework