From May to November 2016, Global Affairs Canada held open consultations with the public to help shape an new international assistance policy.
Here are some highlights (points that repeatedly came up) from the consultation events and written submissions:
- Pursue the Discussion Paper priorities in principle: Overall, participants expressed support for deepening efforts in the proposed areas and for moving towards an outcome-based approach that is more aligned with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by the United Nations.
- Implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Participants expressed support for framing Canada’s assistance efforts within the 2030 Agenda priorities, Sustainable Development Goals and transformative approach to development.
- Apply a feminist lens and human rights-based approach: Participants provided broad encouragement and detailed advice on how best to apply a feminist lens and a human rights-based approach to all of Canada’s international assistance.
- Focus on the poorest and most vulnerable, but remain engaged in a range of countries: Participants clearly support an increased focus on poor and vulnerable populations, and on poor and vulnerable countries.
- Make Canada’s international assistance more effective, innovative and nimble: Participants provided advice on ways to increase the overall effectiveness of international assistance by improving its delivery.
- Enhance policy coherence to improve impact and sustainability: GAC received many recommendations on how to build greater complementarity among Canadian policies and initiatives in the fields of defence, trade, diplomacy, security and development.
- Consider local needs, contexts and actors when delivering international assistance: Participants encouraged GAC to better understand local needs, work within existing systems and engage local actors as much as possible.
- Increase international assistance funding: Many participants called on Canada to increase its official development assistance to 0.7% of our gross national income (GNI).
For more information, read the discussion paper International Assistance Review Discussion Paper or go to the website 2016 International Assistance Review.