Data Purchase & Access Work Group Teleconference May 20, 2010 Attendees: Ken Murdoch, Louisa Wong, Michael Jean, Carla Adams, Irena Pozgaj Regrets: Isabelle Lépine, Ian Faris Ken volunteered to Chair the group and liaise with the Executive Committee. Irena took notes. Need to review the data that was ordered in 2006. Michael forwarded the list of data that was ordered in 2006 from the web database. Also the CSDS Reference Guide (prepared by Harvey) is on the website here Steps in determining data needs: To determine the specific data products to be included (census and non-census) To determine the specific census tables and variables for cross-tabulations The group recommended developing a Data Usage survey to get feedback on data usage from all registered data users on the CSDS website (750 valid user entries in the database). Questions will be based on the CSDS Needs Assessment Survey from 2007 by Jacob. The group also recommended it will be important to get feedback from local consortia members, to help inform the data package purchase (qualitatively). It will be up to the Leads to bring forward that feedback to the Data Purchase Work Group. A second survey will go out to just the Leads, related to CSDS process, customization, funding. Questions will include: Are agencies getting data from other sources as well? Is there duplication in the data package? This can help cost-effectiveness. How does the local consortium fund the CSDS agreement e.g. City/Municipality funds totally or there is a sharing of costs among local members (with some explanation how, to what extent, etc) Of those who have created ‘custom geographies’: did they contact local/regional Stats Can office to get Census Data to conform with those ‘custom areas’, did it cost ‘extra’ over and above the CSDS contract, and other issues pertaining to such? was there ‘in-kind’ costs involved (e.g. Leads, or other consortium members, contributing staff time or expertise in providing ‘custom geography’ details like geo-coding, sorting DAs, etc)? ACTION items: Michael will confirm that the Data Usage survey can be programmed using the online form tool on the website using Acacia resources. Irena will draft the questions for both the Data Usage Survey (to all registered data users) based on the 2006 Acacia survey and the CSDS Process survey (for CSDS Leads) and circulate to the group for feedback for the next teleconference. Louisa will setup the logistics of the teleconference Next meeting: Thursday June 10, 12:00 – 1:30 EST Teleconference information: 1-877-446-2424, access code is: 8547